Thursday, November 8, 2012

Grandma's Irish Oatmeal

Well I think my first post will be my grandma's oatmeal recipe! 

The Ingredients!

1. We like to use Irish Oats in my house. You'll need one cup of these.

2. We also like to add fruit to it! (or at least I do!) I prefer using dried berries like cranberries, cherries, and raisins. I use a handful of each.

3. I also add a tablespoon of both cinnamon and nutmeg.

The Process! 

Step 1: Add about 3-4 cups of water to a pot and put over a medium flame. At this point I like to add my handfuls of dried fruit and spices. That was the berries can rehydrate and taste super yummy later on.

Tada!! So far so good.

Step 2: Bring this to a boil. I wanna see bubbles people! Lots of them! Think "double double, toil and burn and cauldron bubble.." 
Yep, we're gonna be Macbeths witches for this step.

Theeeeere we go, that looks good.

Step 3: Next we add our oats! Just a cup should do it unless your feeding more then 3 people. Add them slowly, stirring while you get them little ones in there.

And now that their in there....Stir. Like your life depends on it.

 Stir stir stir....

Step 4: Next, turn down the heat. We want it on 2 or 3 so it stops boiling. Now..this is where it gets boring. You're going to have to stir this brew constantly until it thickens up, otherwise it will stick and burn. And that doesn't taste very nice....

See that? Good. Keep stirring.

See how its thickened up? Thats good, but its still to watery. Keep stirring.

Ahhh thats better. This is how you want it to look.

Step 5: Cover it up, put it on the lowest heat setting possible, and let it sit for a few minutes. Yep, thats right. Let it sit. It'll thicken up a little more and be nice and thick. that 5 minutes up yet? It is? GOOD! Kill the heat. And let it sit a few minutes longer.

Ahhh now doesnt that look tasty? I think its time to plate up and nom, don't you?

Step 6: Enjoy however you want. I like to add a little brown sugar and milk to mine to sweeten it up some. You could also try adding honey or molasses though, I've heard it's tasty!

I hope you guys liked it! I certainly do!

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