Friday, January 11, 2013

Hey guys!!

Hey there everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday season and a fantastic New Years!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. This holiday season was CRAZY busy for me and my family!

But the good news is that I'll be starting to post again soon with some yummy pasta recipes and perhaps a few baking ones as well!!

See you all soon!!

A little cuteness from ValaSedai on deviant art!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Eggs! Yuuuuum...

Eggs are another morning staple in my house. They're easy to make and you can add almost anything to them! Here's one of my daily's!

What you'll need:
2 eggs
Grated cheese, I picked Parmesan
Banana Peppers

Step 1:

This ones pretty easy. Just crack the two eggs into a bowl.

See? Yay! No shells in the bowl.

Step 2:
Add your ingredients.

Salt. I use about one teaspoon or 2-3 twists if its a grinder.

Pepper. Another teaspoon!

Cheese. Just about 3 pinches.

Step 3:
Slice up your banana peppers and add them to the mix. You'll only need about 4-5 of the slices of pepper.

Now here's the kicker. I add a little of the pickling juice from the jar of banana peppers for that extra kick of flavor, which is why I don't use to many peppers in this recipe.

I fill the cap of the jar about halfway. You don't need to terribly much.

Pour it on in!

Step 4:
Everything's in there?

Good! Now mix it all up with a fork!

Step 5:

Now make sure you have your pan ready and hot. Add a little butter/ olive oil/ pam, whichever you like. I use a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil in my pan.

Now that your pan is ready and hot pour your eggs in!

You can go one of two ways at this point. You can make an omelet or you can just scramble them.

Frankly Im not all that good at making omelets, so I tend to just scramble mine unless I have extra time to make it perfect.

So stir away and scramble them babies!

Once thats done your ready to eat! So plate it up, add ketchup or salsa. Whatever you like to add to your eggs!

Add some peanut butter toast and coffee and huzzah!! You have breakfast and interesting yet very tasty eggs!

I just love adding flavors to my eggs! Try it out sometime! You definitely wont be disappointed!


Monday, November 26, 2012

Quick Jelly Filled Cupcakes!

If theres something I love..its filled things. Cupcakes, donuts, cakes. You name it, I love it if it has a yummy center. Here was my little jelly filled cupcake recipe!

What you'll need:
Cake Mix (I chose Vanilla)
Everything in the instruction on the cake mix box.
You're favorite Jelly.
Pre-made Icing in any flavor you like
Cupcake tin and cooling rack

Step 1:

Follow the instructions on the cake box to the T. These mixes make things so much easier and faster, especially when you're in a hurry!



Mmmhmmmm cake batter....

Step 2:

Get your Cupcake tin and grease it up! Pam, Butter, Olive Oil, anything you like to use, use it. Even if it claims to be a nonstick pan, use it anyways because they can still get stuck. Or you can avoid the whole spray drama and use cupcake liners! (Just make sure you pick a cool color!)

Pour the batter into each segment. Only fill it about half way so your cupcakes don't overflow and bake themselves together.

Step 3:

Bake according to the directions. I usually set my timer for a little less then the box dictates to make sure my oven doesn't burn my treats. (Just like my poor brownies when I was younger...) 

Use the toothpick test on them to make sure they're cooked all the way. I like the test the ones in the middle and the corners. Just poke the toothpick in and if it pulls out clean the cupcakes are done!

Step 4:

After the cupcakes are done take them out of the tin and let them cool on a rack. While theyre cooling we'll prep our frosting and jam!

Step 5: The Frosting

If you bought frosting thats ok, you dont always have to make it from scratch. I bought vanilla for this little venture. Take about half of the frosting out of the container and mix it around to loosen it up and make it easier to work with.
At this point I added coconut extract to my frosting and mixed it in to make it extra yummy!

Step 6: Jelly Filling

Take a jar of your favorite jelly ( I chose Guava) and spoon out about 6 or 7 spoonfuls into a small microwave safe dish. 
Then stick the bowl in the microwave for 10 seconds.

When its done take it out a stir it up, if its still really thick put it in for a little longer. 5 second increments work best for me when doing this.

You don't want it to be totally liquidy otherwise it will just seep out the bottoms of your cupcakes.

Step 7:

The cupcakes should have cooled down to the touch so now its time to fill them. I don't have those fancy pastry bags and filling nozzles so I take a small sharp knife and cut out the center of the cupcakes.

Don't cut all the way to the bottom of the cupcake though or we'll get that seeping I mentioned in the last step. I usually cut about halfway into the cupcake then set the cut out part right next to the dissected cupcake.

The cupcakes are ready for filling now! So take your jelly spoon and pour into the dissected cupcakes. Add as much or as little as you like then 'put the cap' back on the cupcake. You might need to remove some of the cap to make it fit.

Step 8:

Frost them babies! Its ok if they aren't pretty, they'll still taste good. Plus you can always add sprinkles or other candies to make them prettier if your frosting job comes out as horribly as mine!

Then eat! Whether you choose to share or not these cupcakes are fun, easy, and have hundreds of varieties! If you can imagine it, you can definitely make it with these. There are just so many options with the cake mixes and fillings you can choose from!

Happy Baking!


Quick and Easy Snack - Croissant Sandwich

One of the problems I have is getting the serious munchies during the day. One of my favorite ways to fix that problem without resorting to chips or something equally unhealthy is a croissant sandwich. 
Its perfect for a quick snack between meals or even for breakfast when your in a hurry!

What you'll need:
2 mini croissants (pre-made from the store or you can make them yourself)
2 slices of cheese
Mild Banana Peppers

Step 1:

You're going to cut your mini croissants in half. Try to make sure the sides are even or that the bottom is larger so stuff doesn't fall out.

Looks yummy already!

Step 2:

Fold your cheese slice in half and lay it on the bottom layer of croissant. I like using Gouda cheese personally, but its also pretty good with cheddar or swiss.

After the cheese is on add the banana peppers. I like to pull them apart so every bite will have a little in it without the whole pepper coming out in one bite (just like the pickles in sad).

Step 3:

Put the top back on the croissant and throw it in the microwave fore 15 seconds! Just enough to warm it up but not enough for the cheese to turn into a melty mess.

Then enjoy!

For a quick breakfast alteration try adding a cooked egg and roasted tomatoes to the mix! Or you can get really fancy and make your own Bacon Egg and Cheese breakfast croissant! No fast food restaurant needed!

Happy Snacking!


Easy Kilbasa Dinner

So one of the staples in my house is Kilbasa. We loooove it. Seriously. Every time we go to the store we buy at least three. So heres a recipe for a common dish I make for dinner during the week.

What you'll need:
2 Shallots
3 different colored bell peppers cut in half and cleaned out
1 Beef Kilbasa
Minced Garlic
Soy Sauce (optional)

Step 1:

First we're going to get everything ready. Take the three halves of your bell peppers (I like yellow, orange, and dark red) and chop them up into small pieces. Not to small, you don't want them to cook faster then everything else. We want them to look like small chunks.

Now we're going to do the same with the Shallots after peeling them!
Dont they look tasty? Well ok maybe not yet, but they're going to be awesome!

Step 2:

 We're now going to add everything from step 1 to the pot over medium-low heat. We dont want it to hot or they'll cook to quickly.

Now we're going to stir them up a little so they cook evenly.

 La lala lala *stir stir stir*

Now would also be the time to add 1 spoon of minced garlic (half a spoon if you prefer) and some salt and pepper. Put as much or as little as you like!

 Step 3:
Now its time for the Kilbasa. First you want to wipe down your cutting surface. Then you're going to slice it up. Not to thin! We like thicker slices here!

There we go. Not to thick so they don't cook, and not to thin so they're wimpy. Now go ahead and add them to the pot and stir them around.

We're now going to cover them up and let them cook. Remember to come back and stir it up every few minutes so they cook evenly!

Step 4:
Its time to make the rice! I use this fabulous little rice cooker we got from Tupperware.

Just follow the directions for one cup of rice for every two people who will be eating. Or you can always make rice in a rice cooker if you have it or just on the stovetop in a pot. But I like my little microwave cooker.

Tada!! 15 minutes later you have rice! If you over cook it a little thats ok, the kilbasa with give off a little juice or you could always add just a little more water and let it absorb in the rice.

Step 5:
Now I know while the rice has been cooking you've been checking and stirring your Kilbasa right? Good, it will be done by now, maybe even a little sooner depending on the heat of your stovetop. If it finishes early just put it on the lowest heat setting to keep it warm.

We're going to first spoon rice onto plate like so. You can add soy sauce to the rice if you like. I like it so I do, but the dish will taste just as yummy plain too.

Then we're going to spoon the Kilbasa mixture over the top of the rice.

And you're ready to eat!

You can make all sorts of combinations with this recipe. I also like to add carrots and broccoli in the place of two of my peppers. 

Try it over pasta instead and add a yummy pumpkin pasta sauce! Or maybe try a different type of rice and replace the beef Kilbasa with turkey or chicken! Heck throw some beets in there for something fun!

The possibilities really are endless, it just depends on what you like and how creative you're willing to get!

Happy cooking everyone!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Grandma's Irish Oatmeal

Well I think my first post will be my grandma's oatmeal recipe! 

The Ingredients!

1. We like to use Irish Oats in my house. You'll need one cup of these.

2. We also like to add fruit to it! (or at least I do!) I prefer using dried berries like cranberries, cherries, and raisins. I use a handful of each.

3. I also add a tablespoon of both cinnamon and nutmeg.

The Process! 

Step 1: Add about 3-4 cups of water to a pot and put over a medium flame. At this point I like to add my handfuls of dried fruit and spices. That was the berries can rehydrate and taste super yummy later on.

Tada!! So far so good.

Step 2: Bring this to a boil. I wanna see bubbles people! Lots of them! Think "double double, toil and burn and cauldron bubble.." 
Yep, we're gonna be Macbeths witches for this step.

Theeeeere we go, that looks good.

Step 3: Next we add our oats! Just a cup should do it unless your feeding more then 3 people. Add them slowly, stirring while you get them little ones in there.

And now that their in there....Stir. Like your life depends on it.

 Stir stir stir....

Step 4: Next, turn down the heat. We want it on 2 or 3 so it stops boiling. Now..this is where it gets boring. You're going to have to stir this brew constantly until it thickens up, otherwise it will stick and burn. And that doesn't taste very nice....

See that? Good. Keep stirring.

See how its thickened up? Thats good, but its still to watery. Keep stirring.

Ahhh thats better. This is how you want it to look.

Step 5: Cover it up, put it on the lowest heat setting possible, and let it sit for a few minutes. Yep, thats right. Let it sit. It'll thicken up a little more and be nice and thick. that 5 minutes up yet? It is? GOOD! Kill the heat. And let it sit a few minutes longer.

Ahhh now doesnt that look tasty? I think its time to plate up and nom, don't you?

Step 6: Enjoy however you want. I like to add a little brown sugar and milk to mine to sweeten it up some. You could also try adding honey or molasses though, I've heard it's tasty!

I hope you guys liked it! I certainly do!